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位于日本的比特币交易平台MtGox昨天突然暂停交易和关闭网站,引发了大量传言和谴责。其中一条传言称MtGox过去几年被悄悄偷走了74.4万比特币。六大比特币服务商为此联合发表声明,谴责Mt Gox“悲剧性地背弃了人们的信任”,承诺将恢复人们对比特币的信心。
Blockchain.info的CEO Nicolas Cary说,“几周以来,Mt Gox的传闻一直在缓慢地趋于明朗。这一最新动态看来是他们动荡历史上的最后一个悲惨章节。”
乔治城大学经济学教授Jim Angel表示,比特币就好像电子书,其好坏状况有赖于支持其使用的基础设施。“鉴于比特币的基础设施完全没有监管、技术也是新兴的,出现眼下这种问题应该在意料之中。”
《华尔街日报》援引知情人士的消息报道,MtGox已经收到纽约联邦检察机构发出的一张传票。路透社报道称,日本官员周三表示他们正着手对MtGox的突然关闭展开调查。内阁官房长官菅义伟说,相关金融监管机构、警方、财务省等正在收集信息。MtGox CEO Mark Karpeles在一封电子邮件中表示,因为牵涉到其它方他目前不能透露太多信息。
下面是 MtGox 官网的两则声明
February 26th 2014
Dear MtGox Customers,
As there is a lot of speculation regarding MtGox and its future, I would like to use this opportunity to reassure everyone that I am still in Japan, and working very hard with the support of different parties to find a solution to our recent issues.
Furthermore I would like to kindly ask that people refrain from asking questions to our staff: they have been instructed not to give any response or information. Please visit this page for further announcements and updates.
Mark Karpeles(上面这则声明是后加的)
Dear MtGox Customers,
In light of recent news reports and the potential repercussions on MtGox’s operations and the market, a decision was taken to close all transactions for the time being in order to protect the site and our users. We will be closely monitoring the situation and will react accordingly.
Best regards,
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